Who Should Join?

This network is ideal for Senior Data and Analytics professionals seeking to influence and learn from industry trends as well as those aspiring to elevate their departments through innovative best practices and shared wisdom and vision. This includes:

  • Heads of Data and Analytics and Information Services.
  • Heads of Function, Services, and Lead roles (not limited to those with 'Manager' in their job title).
  • Managers in roles such as Analytics Manager, Data Integration Manager, Informatics/Data/Analytics Leads.

Note: This network is not focused on traditional IT (Digital Services) roles but welcomes contributions to discussions.

Benefits of Joining

  • Knowledge Sharing: Access to a wealth of experiences and insights from peers in the field.
  • Collaborative Problem-Solving: Tackle shared challenges and develop collective solutions.
  • Innovation and Planning: Discuss and plan for upcoming innovations and changes in the health and care sector.
  • Policy Influence: A collective voice to influence national requirements and policies around collaborative data initiatives.
  • Networking: Build professional relationships and collaborate with a diverse group of experts.
  • Resource Sharing: Leverage shared resources for efficiency and effectiveness.

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